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Best of

the West





Participating Clubs & Match Registration links:


San Diego, CA

4th Sunday

Every Month

Piru, CA

2nd Saturday

Every Month

Apple Valley, CA

4th Saturday

Every Month

Las Vegas, NV

3rd Saturday

Every Month

Best of the West • 2021
Series Registration
Skill Classification

Classification Descriptions:

Professional Class – Will shoot with a reduced stage time of 25% (round up to the nearest time divisible by 5) from the Amateur class. i.e. the stage calls for 120 seconds, Pro-Class shooters will be reduced to 90 seconds. Pro’s will be timed via shot timers and be held to .25 seconds grace period for shot after the buzzer.

** Pro Class determination criteria**

Pro Class qualified when any of the following criteria have been met:

1) Top 25 Placement in two national level competitive events (PRS / NRL / CD)

2) Three or more top 5 placements at any Best of the West™ Sanctioned event or previous local one day events with 20 or more shooters in attendance.

3) One or more wins at any Best of the West™ Sanctioned event or previous local one day events with 20 or more shooters in attendance.

Amateur Class – Will shoot with the prescribed stage time with no changes to the stage rules or description. AM shooters will be timed via a stop watch set for the required time and will not be held to the .25 shot-after-buzzer standard. All shots taken near the buzzer will count (reasonably close, not 5 seconds after the buzzer! The stage or squad RO will have discretion)

Youth Class - Will shoot with the prescribed stage beginning in the start position with an additional 30 sec time with no changes to the stage description. Youth shooters will be timed via a stop watch set for the required time and will not be held to the .25 shot-after-buzzer standard. All youth shooters will shooter their final shot after the buzzer if the round had been chambered prior to time expiring. Youth division is 16 and under. 

Competition Division

***Speeds not to exceed 3200fps for any caliber

Competitor Sub-Division

***Monthly matches require at minimum 2 per sub-division to obtain a trophy***

Home Range / Club Designator

***Monthly matches require at minimum 2 per sub-division to obtain a trophy***

Thank You for registering! Good Luck this season.

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